Each month we round up some of the top stories in space, entrepreneurship, innovation, finance and technology.
Here’s our round-up for September:
The Growing Imperative of Commercialization (Of Space)
“Globalization has made the world a smaller place, with people, goods and services crossing borders with ease unimagined by earlier generations. Much of this globalization is enabled by space-based capabilities, and specifically satellite communications capabilities.” writes SpaceNews.
Israel’s satellite startups play up resilient industry in face of SpaceX Falcon 9 explosion
After SpaceX’s Falcon9 rocket exploded in Florida earlier this month, Israel’s space industry is talking up new challenges thanks to the loss of a major communications satellite and delays to further launches. Read more at Geektime.
An interview with Jean-Yves Le Gall, president of CNES (The Space Review)
The Space Review spoke with Jean-Yves Le Gall, president of CNES in this interesting interview noting the strong growth in the space sector.
“The space sector is evolving at a rate never seen before, so an organization like CNES, with its strong influence in the astronautics arena, has to stamp its presence as a space agency and technical field center.”
ESA gives final approval for Ariane 6; Airbus Safran Launchers now in control
The European Space Agency (ESA) on Sept. 13 gave final go-ahead for development of the next-generation Ariane 6 heavy-lift launch vehicle, confirming a rendezvous that many thought impossible when it was set in December 2014. Read more at SpaceNews here.
Making Humans A Multiplanetary Species
In a much-anticipated talk at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) and livestreamed online, ‘spaceoneer’ Elon Musk outlined his vision for making humans a multiplanetary species. Watch the talk below or via: http://www.spacex.com/mars