Creating solutions for climate change based on space data

We explore 5 ways climate change is affecting and will affect our planet and 5 start ups that are creating solutions based on space data.

1. “The impacts of climate change at 1.5C, 2C and beyond”
2. “Effects of Global Warming”
3. “The Effects of Climate Change”
4. “How climate change plunders the planet”
5. “Climate Change Impacts”
6. “Global Warming Impacts”
7. “11 Ways Climate Change Affects the World”
8. “How Climate Change Will Transform Business and the Workforce”
9. “Species and climate change”
10. “10 startups reshaping businesses impact on climate change”
11. “Bettering the World through Entrepreneurship: Taking on Climate Change“
12. Carbon Delta
13. Plume API
14. Orbital Insight
15. Jupiter Intel
16. FluroSAt