Established in:
Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1, 80992 Munich, Germany
OroraTech offers a system for global and automated early wildfire detection and monitoring. OroraTech’s solution significantly accelerates, digitizes and simplifies the process of wildfire detection and observation.
In the future, existing satellite data sources will be complemented by a proprietary constellation of nanosatellites to increase the temporal & spatial resolution in the system.
Orbital Oracle Technologies GmbH (OroraTech), founded in 2018, is a spin-off of the Chair of Astronautics (Prof. U. Walter) and Measurement System and Sensor Technology (Prof. A.W. Koch) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). As a spin-off from the MOVE CubeSat project at the TUM, OroraTech´s satellite technology is based on 13 years of academic research and in-orbit experience of three satellites (First-MOVE, MOVE-II, MOVE-IIb).