Established in:
Cassellastraße 30-32, 60386 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
In Germany alone there are 27,000 motorcycle accidents per year – with 700 fatalities. The most common reasons for accidents are collisions with cars. Ridelink is here to make those number better. Their solution aims to make roads safer for motorcyclists thanks to their new IoT product. By tracking your driving style, the Ridelink solution improves passive and active motorcycle safety. The IoT device also recognises if you’ve had an accident or a breakdown and can send backup support immediately. There’s no need to worry about theft either – Ridelink always monitors your motorcycle’s position.
The tech behind Ridelink relies on GNSS satellite data for accurate geo-positioning and weather data from Metosat. These data sources are combined and analysed and the results are displayed directly on the Ridelink app. The two parts of the Ridelink solution are the app and an adapter. The adapter can be used on its own to track your journeys and record your data, or used in combination with the app for maximum data tracking. You can also just use the app to organise trips with your friends. The adapter has a gyroscope to measure lean angles, an accelerometer for speed, a GNSS receiver, and a battery monitor. It connects to your smartphone via its own Wi-Fi network and a 2G/4G data module that uploads your information to the cloud. Lastly, additional data from the internal engine control unit (CAN bus) can be connected and displayed directly on the app.