UPDATE: CoastGIS 2020 has been moved to 2021. It will not be held as planned on 17-19 September 2020.
Instead, CoastGIS 2021 will be held on 16-18 September 2021 in Raseborg, Finland as a hybrid event, enabling both in-person and virtual participation.
We will communicate further about the new abstract submission and registration periods, schedules, programmes, and other information when more arrangements have been made. This information will be shared on this website and via newsletter.
CoastGIS 2021, the 14th international Coastal GIS Symposium, will be held on 16-18 September 2021 in Raseborg on the South Coast of Finland at Novia University of Applied Sciences.
The Symposium will be a hybrid event, enabling both in-person and virtual participation.
CoastGIS 2021 in Raseborg will be the 14th consecutive symposium for an international exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience on how spatial data and information technologies aid marine and coastal zone managers and stakeholders in better understanding and managing coastal space and resources.
The symposium theme “Sustainable Coastal Planning in a Changing World” refers to the challenges faced worldwide in light of sustainable development and emphasis will be on cooperation in spatial planning between countries. The symposium aims to address recent challenges in managing our coastlines effectively and sustainably.