UPDATE: Due to the current situation with uncertainty surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic development, emergency state imposed in Latvia, Europe and other continents, ability to organise event with gathering in groups bigger than 2 persons and other restrictions what we currently have in Latvia, our Local Organizing Committee has decided to postpone our FOSS4G Europe event for 2021 in Valmiera.
Beside the annual global FOSS4G there are local FOSS4Gs taking place all over the world. FOSS4G Europe is only one of these regional conferences and wants to gather and connect enthusiasts from Europe.
First time conference invites you to north eastern Europe keeping the conference aims of FOSS4G and OSGeo to bring users and developers together and to foster closer interactions, exchange of knowledge and practical experience.
The fifth edition of the FOSS4G Europe Conference will be held at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences in Valmiera, Latvia, from July 13th to 18th, 2020. In addition to three conference days there are two workshops days one before and one after the conference (13th and 17th July) and a community sprint will have the opportunity to run through all conference days and close the event on 18th July. The event organization is leaded by a group of international geospatial experts who are distributed into multiple committees.