HEPTA-Sat (Hands-on Education Program for Technical Advancement) is a hands-on study of small satellite design and engineering over several days of intensive practical lessons. HEPTA-Sat hand-on course puts it focus on establishing the knowledge of system engineering by going through the whole process of system integration. During the course student will learn how the system is broken down into different subsystem (requirement), how to integrate those different subsystem (requirement) into a fully functioning system, and how to test/debug it once it has been integrated. HEPTA-Sat teaching methods are designed to be implemented in existing universities anywhere. The program is supported by a vibrant instructor community and is open to people of any educational or professional background.
The training course consist of 7 steps. By taking a course with the HEPTA-Sat kit, students can learn the basic subsystems of a CubeSat-class satellite. The kit consists of a classroom satellite of the CubeSat type. It is equipped with three primary subsystems – EPS, CDH and Communications, supported by a 3D-printed structure and sensing elements. Trainees will hone their skills in design methodology, electronics, power supply, communications, programming in C, GPS tracking, and many other relevant fields of applied technical knowledge. At the end of the training, participants have to devise their own mission and use the complete HEPTA-Sat kit as a genuine satellite bus supporting their own payload.