The Innovation Days will bring together entrepreneurial students and local start-ups and businesses with the objective of fostering entrepreneurship opportunities, stimulating collaboration, and encouraging participation in the initiatives of the Go2Space-HUBs project.
What will you find at Go2Space-HUBs Innovation Days?
KEY-NOTE PRESENTATIONS by SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs, large companies or policy makers, illustrating inspiring examples of innovations in and from the space sector related to the 4 thematic topics: DIGITALIZATION – SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS – DEFENCE & SECURITY – SPACETECH EXCELLENCE
WORKSHOPS engaging students and entrepreneurs in addressing real life problems faced by businesses where participants are challenged to come up with a solution
MATCHMAKING ACTIVITIES allowing targeted ‘one-to-one’ networking between students, entrepreneurs, start-ups and businesses.
Go2Space-HUBs: The support and guidance you need to get your start-up/scale-up to the next level!