to: 17 Feb 2020
FFG, Sensengasse, Vienna, Austria
Go to Website.
If you want to make space part of your business, this is the workshop for you. Brimatech, Austria’s ESA contact point for space interested SMEs, is organising a workshop on business applications and opportunities for entering the space market in Vienna.
The event is hosted by ESA Business Applications and Space Solutions Austria, offering support to space-related start-ups. Well-known experts on GNSS and Earth Observation will provide insights into the technologies, challenges & opportunities and their applications. They will talk about entry points and possibilities for cooperation. National and international funding opportunities in the space arena with special focus on ESA will be presented.
Adressed are all those who want to use space data in their service offering or who want to become part of the old – or the new – space marketplace. The event is free of charge and open to all interested in space technology and space data, like start-ups, students, SMEs.