




to: 10 Jun 2018




Come and join us on #OpenDataHack2018 @CopernicusECMWF and show us how you can mine information from open climate data. Take this opportunity to delve into the Copernicus Climate Data Store and get a first-hand dive into its applications cloud environment! Exercise your out-of-the-box thinking and showcase your solutions to climate change challenges.

The #OpenDataHack2018 @ECMWF is a hackathon weekend event on 9/10 June 2018 for developers, designers, data wranglers, data journalists, data enthusiasts, entrepreneurial minds and everyone interested in unleashing their creativity with freely available climate data.

The goal of the hackathon is to discover the potential of open climate data and to come up with innovative ideas how Copernicus data at ECMWF can be used:

  • to develop data-enhancing tools and services for climate monitoring (Hack-Vis and Hack-Data challenges),
  • to develop web applications for policy- and decision-makers (Hack-Vis challenges),
  • to create value-added services for specific public and commercial needs (Hack-Data challenge), or
  • to effectively communicate environmental or societal challenges to the public with the help of climate data (Hack-Out challenges)

Large volumes and a high variety of climate data will be made available.

Be part of #OpenDataHack2018 @CopernicusECMWF to build, pitch and win with your original ideas and solutions to climate change challenges. Make practical apps for travellers or growers, or build educational and playful tools for the young at heart. We want to see you do amazing things with Copernicus open data at ECMWF.