to: 23 Apr 2020
ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany
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The ECSL has been organising a one-day Practitioners’ Forum every year since 1992. The aim of the Forum is to provide those working across all areas of the space sector an opportunity to network and discuss topical areas of space law and policy relevant to the sector.
During the Forum experts present the latest developments impacting on space, for example: EU law, contracts and procurement law, telecommunications, liability and insurance, etc. The presentations are followed by a lively Q&A and discussion session.
The Forum promotes open and free discourse. Participants speak in their personal capacity under the Chatham House Rules (no publication of comments made which enable their maker to be identified) and in general, papers are not collected or published.
Only ECSL members may participate in the Practitioners’ Forum, and you are invited to become a Member in advance of the event to ensure your place is confirmed.