




to: 23 Jun 2017


Satellite Applications Catapult


The UK Space Agency and the Satellite Applications Catapult are holding an invitation-only workshop to examine the future potential of remote sensing applications (satellites, drones and ground sensors) in support of the public sector’s delivery of energy infrastructure. This session is directed at a range of senior Government, NDPBs and industry representatives.

The core purpose of the workshop is to inform a wide range of public sector agencies about the ‘art of the possible’ when it comes to the future of remote sensing applications. There will also be an opportunity to identify and discuss the appetite for subsequent feasibility studies covering how certain capabilities can be directly applied to the public sector’s requirements regarding energy infrastructure delivery.

The workshop will follow a sequence of four broad themes:

  • Project overview
  • Capabilities of remote sensing in use, and emerging, by industry within the energy sector
  • Requirements of the public sector in terms of policy delivery, regulation and accountability
  • Opportunities to test remote sensing across the Public Sector in future