UPDATE: Because COVID-19 is so unlike anything we have experienced before, it is hard to predict what is yet to come. Our SmallSat team has been working closely with leadership from Utah State University and officials from the local health department to determine the appropriate way forward for the 2020 Conference. SmallSat 2020 will be held in a virtual format with no on-site presence. We have determined that this is the best way to continue to support the industry, while ensuring the safety of each of you. While this format will be different than you are accustomed to, our industry will once again come together this August. We are as committed as ever to you, our SmallSat family, to provide the high-quality technical content you have come to expect. We are working to ensure that this new virtual version of SmallSat 2020 meets the needs of the entire community as best we are able.
The 34th Annual Small Satellite Conference will explore the realm of possible space mission architectures and how they can be practically achieved to support the diverse needs of the global space community.