




to: 26 Nov 2020




Register Today For Our Space Café Regional – German Edition “Hoch Hinaus” On November 26, 2020

In the first Space Café Regional – German edition, SpaceWatch.Global’s editor-in-chief Markus Payer will introduce Raphael Roettgen, his new book “Hoch Hinaus, die neue Weltraumwirtschaft”.

The Space Café Regional – German edition will take place on Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.

Space travel is in a state of upheaval: Recyclable rockets and the mass production of satellites mean that the costs of transport and travel into space will in the future be only a fraction of what they are today. There are already hundreds of startups in space travel. The space economy is expected to grow to billions in sales over the next twenty years. This book explains these trends, the consequences for us all and how each and every one of us can participate, whether as a pioneer entrepreneur or as a space tourist.

Participants have the opportunity to ask questions to Raphael Roettgen during the interview.

This Space Café will be hosted by Markus Payer, Editor in Chief of SpaceWatch.Global. This Space Café will be conducted in German language. Reserve your place today.