The ESA Mechanisms Section hosts the annual Space Mechanisms Final Presentation Days to disseminate the results of research and development activities to interested parties from the ESA member states.
The Space Mechanisms Final Presentation Days represent an opportunity to gain a complete overview of recently completed activities, and the possibility to discuss and share views on R&D directions, strategies, technologies and investments with colleagues from the space mechanisms community.
The Space Mechanisms Final Presentation Days are an opportunity for attendees to increase their professional network and to stay informed of the latest mechanism technologies developments.
The Final Presentation Days 2021 will take place as an online event based on the ‘’Let’s Get Digital‘’ platform. In addition to the presentations themselves, the online event will offer a platform for networking and virtual exhibition of stands and/or corporate videos.
Please note that due to the nature of the information that will be provided, the access to this event can only be granted to delegates from entities registered in the ESA Member states and Cooperating states (ONLY).