




to: 08 Sep 2020




While it is true that all mining environments could be considered extreme with heavy machinery, loud environments, what makes a mining environment ‘extreme’? If you work on mining projects that are remote, have poor communication, are partially explored or mapped, in politically unstable areas, on contaminated land, in extreme climates, with social or environmental issues, in locations with inferior infrastructure, then you will likely have experienced issues associated with extreme mining environments.

In collaboration with Satellite Applications Catapult, MineSense and Exeter Extreme Environments on 8th of September South West Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications are holding a webinar on how space technology and satellite data can help to solve some of the most common issues faced by mining in extreme environments.

The Satellite Applications Catapult and South West Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications are not for profit organisations that have worked for years helping mining companies, projects and governments to optimise their processes using satellite technology which today is more accessible, powerful and capable than before and can be a much more efficient tool than traditional methods in exploration, communications, monitoring and more.

Who should attend?

Whether you want to simply learn more about extreme mining environments or what satellite capabilities are today, or whether you are actively looking for space tech solutions and new methods to solve today’s modern mining challenges, then join us and our panel of speakers to see what the satellite applications can do for you.

We welcome:

  • Mining companies who are looking to explore satellite applications for mining
  • Space companies who are currently or have the ambition to operate, collaborate and grow their presence withing mining industry
  • Academics interested in satellite applications in mining


10.00 – 10.15 Welcome and introductions

10.15 – 10.45 Challenges in Mining

  • Exploration and/or Operational Challenges in Mining in Extreme Environments
  • Social and Legal Challenges in Extreme Mining Environments

10.45 – 11.15 Solutions and Technology

  • Robotics in Extreme Mining Environments
  • Remote Sensing Solutions in Extreme Mining Environments

11.15 – 11.25 Funding

11.25 – 11.45 Summary / What’s next?