to: 01 Apr 2020
The Montgomery Theatre, The Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Swindon, UK
Go to Website.
Current access to space relies on expensive single use rockets. What if you could simply climb into a reusable aircraft, take off on a runway and fly into space? Well that dream is closer than you think.
At Reaction Engines we are working on the next generation of air breathing rocket engine that makes this a reality. 30 years in development, the SABRE engine is moving into the exciting test phase of development at our facility near Oxford. When proven it is set to revolutionise space access and provide a path to hypersonic travel and all with a clean hydrogen burning engine.
All guests from outside of the branch must register with the branch secretary not less than 5 working days before the event. Guest must carry photo ID to gain entry to the Defence Academy NOTE access will be denied if not available. Please supply full name as it appears on photo ID, Nationality, Car Registration and a means of contact either email or phone. This information should be sent to