Space Business Innovation Day
On Thursday 1 September, ‘Spaceoneers’ visited the Space Business Innovation Day in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. It featured an exciting programme of inspiring speakers, workshops, one-on-one meetings and networking opportunities. It was a chance to meet some aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as hear from potential investors, and to learn more about ESA’s Business Incubation Centre (ESA-BIC) and what it does to support space startups.
After a brief welcome and introduction to the event by Martijn Leinweber (ESA BIC Noordwijk’s Community Manager), ESA’s Head of Technology Transfer Programmes, Frank Salzgeber to why “you need more space”. He demonstrated space as an integral component to our everyday lives and the opportunities it offers to aspiring entrepreneurs and investors.
Verhaert, the prime broker for ESA BIC Noordwijk introduced how a mix of disciplines drive added value.
After the main presentations followed a series of alternating workshops and one-on-one meetings.