New dimensions open up for remote sensing and Copernicus in particular. The new EU space regulation will come into force in 2020 – the legal basis of the Copernicus program for another seven years. At the same time, this also means financing security and predictability for all involved and future actors. Together with the program decision of the ESA Ministerial Conference at the end of 2019, the course will be set for the further development of the ambitious Earth observation program, which for Germany is an important component of Europe’s strategic autonomy.
“New dimensions” under this leitmotif will show and discuss the potential and future of remote sensing for Germany.
On behalf of the Federal Government, we invite you to the National Forum for Remote Sensing and Copernicus from 10th to 12th March 2020 to the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) in Berlin.
Participation in the event is free.