Following the success of the first Satellite TN networking call on the 8th July, we are following up with another call. As before, it’s designed to be a social call and will be informal.
We’ll start by having a quick update on the Satellite TN and then move onto discussion around topics of interest to our community.
During our last call, the following topics were highlighted as items to discuss on future calls:
1. Use of the Satellite TN community area
2. How do we encourage more women into the satellite industry
3. CubeSats/Small satellites
4. Space radiation
5. SSA
6. Citizen science
7. Space weather
8. Constellations coming up – Telesat, OneWeb, etc
9. Space law
10. HAPs/Stratosphere platforms
11. Quantum Key Distribution
12. Working effectively with other TNs
These are not exhaustive and we’ll try and let the discussion flow naturally, so there may be one topic discussed at length and we can save the others for future events, or we may touch on more than one of them, to go deeper another time.
For our next call we’ll aim to approach the first three topics on the list and gauge the discussion as it progresses.
Please register via the link below, details to join the call will be sent out to everyone who has registered on the morning of the 12th.
We look forward to welcoming you on the call which is open to members and non-members of the IET.